Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring has sprung...

And I have a cold. Blah. This is tragic since it's been very, very busy. I want to be on the couch and I'm working instead. But is good! I can't complain about work. I can complain about the pollen which I'm positive caused my cold. Being allergic to dust and pollen is hell in the Spring.

Interesting tidbits:

#1. I wrote an offer yesterday on 1106 Columbia Rd, NW #101. It's a 2 bedroom, 1 bath with parking and it's priced at 279K. My client Nancy* has been looking diligently for about 3 weeks. We have looked at a lot of property in the 250-350K range. This place fit her needs. Guess how many offers are being submitted? 5. Yes. You read that correctly. FIVE. We also used an escalation clause.

My point of this post: for all you nay-sayers out there that are convinced the market is going to continue dropping, get over yourselves. Multiple offers ARE happening in DC in several price bands. This is my first experience in 2009 but I've been hearing stories since the beginning of the year. If it's priced well and the location is good, multiple offers. Or it's going under contract in a couple of days.

#2. I'm famous! Hehee. We all know I'm NOT famous but I like to pretend I'll see a post about myself on Perez Hilton. I doubt that will ever happen since I'm not a movie star but I was quoted by Urban Turf in a post about Foggy Bottom (FB). The Murphy Team is based in FB and we do A LOT of business in 20037. That's why we win all those awards.

*My clients name has been changed to protect her identity.

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